As a Sojitz Group company, we have adopted SOFCO-2030- as a vision for ten years from now to realize the Group’s corporate statement and management vision.
As a Sogo Shosha dealing in food, we have created a new business model to respond to changing times and changes in the business environment. We will create new value to solve customers' issues and meet consumers' needs, aiming to enhance corporate value.
We will take initiatives for sustainability as a company engaged in the food business. We aim to achieve sustainable growth at the Company and in society by ensuring food safety and security and creating value in the supply chain.
Business model aimed for in SOFCO-2030-
We will expand the scope of business as a function-oriented food trading company by maintaining and strengthening
the core businesses and enhancing the product development and manufacturing functions. Meanwhile,
we will expand overseas markets to become
a Sogo Shosha dealing in food that provides new value and
services to customers worldwide.
Key strategies
1. Development and growth of core businesses
2. Overseas development
3. Responding to needs for digitalization